Bible Studies

Sunday morning

This study meets in the sanctuary beginning at about 10:30 a.m. Pick up some coffee and snacks in the fellowship hall, and then delve deeper into one of the Bible readings of the day or a different relevant topic.

Thursday evening

This study is currently on hold.

Women's study

The Women's Bible Study meets from 9:30-11:15 a.m. twice a month on Thursdays, from fall through spring. Women’s Bible Study includes time for conversation, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Take a look at our Calendar to find out when the group will next meet.

Prayer Study

Meeting the fourth Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8:15 p.m., this group will explore the topic, “Prayer (We Speak to God),” from the Lutheran Spirituality Series.

Upper Room

Upper Room small groups are intended to build and strengthen relationships within the congregation as well as with God. The groups meet monthly, either in homes or at church, to share a potluck meal, fellowship, and a Bible study.